Al momento stai visualizzando The Solar Plexus Chakra- Human And Animal

The Solar Plexus Chakra- Human And Animal

Hi there! Today I will talk about the solar plexus chakra, in humans and animals.

The Solar plexus chakra is the third chakra and it is located between the navel and the base of the sternum.

Its Color is Yellow and the element is fire. The related organs are the pancreas, the stomach, the liver and gallbladder, the digestive tract, the muscles, the nervous system, and the immune system.

It is the center of your will power, self-confidence, leadership, presence, self-esteem, and life purpose.

When the solar plexus chakra is balanced

When the solar plexus is balanced you feel confident, you have your life purpose that drives you, and therefore a sense of fulfillment in your life. The ego is healthy and allows you to accomplish your goals because you believe you can.

Isn’t the ego our enemy?

In some cases, it really is our enemy. The ego has gained a reputation, especially among many new age and religious beliefs, of something you should eliminate or overcome. I do agree that in most cases the ego is not serving us, but only because of how we completely lost control of it. Yes, we are spiritual beings and should always operate out of “egoless” unconditional love. But, what the ego is, in my opinion, is the reminder of our physicality. We are here to experience humanity and our ego should help us do that. The ego is not selfish in terms of egoism, without compassion, but just unique. Everyone is unique and came to manifest a unique dream. Otherwise, we would all look the same and do the same. We are, and come from, one material but extend into physicality to manifest different desires. So we should not eliminate it and instead, embrace it and use it to amuse our soul, always in a constructive and positive manner, of course.

On a physical level, how your digestive system function is an indication of your solar plexus chakra’s health. Everything flows as it should.

What happens when your chakra is out of balance?

If in the past something happened to cause trauma in your self-confidence, or self-worth, you didn’t get the approval or validation you needed, a resistance in that chakra was created. Every resistance is created as a coping mechanism, for protection. Instead of living the trauma and releasing it, resistance is created and then kept as a pattern. This pattern is definitely not serving us, as any other form of resistance.

Therefore, what happens is that your emotions and thoughts are warning you about this resistance. And if this is not enough to make you do something about it, your body tries to warn you, with symptoms. Then it is more probable you’ll listen.

When you, or your pet, are starting to have symptoms related to your digestion, stomach ache, immune system issues, or muscle problems, after you have treated the pain, of course, look at the real cause.

How can you heal your solar plexus chakra?

It’s all about creating new patterns. And new habits. Low self-esteem is the lack of belief that one can. To reverse it you need to show yourself that you do can. Succeeding is all about perseverance, and this is a skill anyone can develop with some training. The more you succeed to achieve smaller goals the easier it gets with bigger ones. Discipline is key to self-worth.

Other than that, affirmations are great, just remember that with affirmations you need to feel good when saying them, otherwise it creates more resistance. Also, meditation is always helpful. There are of course many ways to help create healing, like crystals, aromatherapy, color therapy, reiki, and many more. I am sure they can all help in the healing process if, in my opinion, are added to making conscious choices and action.

What if my pet has an unbalanced chakra?

The same goes for your pet. They also undergo trauma in life, especially with their close relationship with humans. The trauma could be that your pet was maybe not allowed to do certain things, or was punished and thus felt unloved and is now desperately looking for your approval.

In animals, on an emotional level, it can manifest as submissive behavior, shyness.

On a physical level, your pet might have digestion issues, diarrhea or constipation, stomach ulcer, intestinal parasites, liver failure, immune problems.

How can you help your pet heal his solar plexus chakra?

So with your pet, I won’t tell you to make him meditate or do affirmations, but a dog or cat’s self-esteem is definitely something you can work on. What you can do, as for yourself, is also creating new habits, being more allowing with him, if he has a deep emotional issue you might even consider a behaviorist.

Otherwise, as we know, his symptom may just be a reflection of your issues. Ask yourself these questions about yourself:

How do you feel about yourself? Are you confident you can accomplish anything you want in life? Are there any bad habits you would want to eliminate? Do you know what is your life purpose?

If you have any questions or doubts about your pet’s health or health in general, don’t hesitate to contact me, I am happy to help!

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