Al momento stai visualizzando The Throat Chakra, Human And Animal

The Throat Chakra, Human And Animal

The throat chakra, Vishuddha, the fifth chakra

The throat chakra, in human and animal, is the fifth chakra and it is located in the throat. It is the center of authenticity, self-expression, and personal truth. Its color is blue and the element is ether. It is also known as the fifth element, which represents purity. This is where you discover your own personal truth and express it to the world.

Which parts of the body are associated with this chakra?

The throat chakra is associated with the throat, the vocal cords, the thyroid, and parathyroid glands, the ears, nose, jaw, mouth, tongue and shoulders. Any symptoms regarding one of these parts is an indication your pet’s chakra, or yours, is blocked or closed.

When the chakra is healthy and balanced

When it is healthy it means one has found his true self and can express it without worrying about what others will think. What does it mean? Everyone is unique. We all come from one material and one energy but we extend in into physical matter to express something unique and different. This unique thing is manifested as a desire or many desires, but we all have them and they are all different. It is beyond finding our life purpose in sense of what we do in life, our career. It’s about a deeper truth, something you are unconsciously seeking all your life and you discover it by giving it or by teaching it.

For example, let’s say I was unconsciously seeking freedom all my life. That made me look at everything as bonding and limiting, I tried to find freedom by not wanting to belong, in school, in the army, in different jobs, in relationships, all seamed to be prison to me. By exploring this suffocating need to be free I find out this need for freedom is actually just a need to just find and be myself. Everyone has this need consciously or unconsciously.

No one is a perfect expert in anything, meaning everyone is always on the seeking path. On the other hand, those who teach do it because they want to understand themselves and therefore are committed to the truth, so in a way, they are the best experts.

What happens when the throat chakra is out of balance?

On the psychological level, you will deal a lot with negative thinking, you will not speak up your mind, you will let others determine how your life will be. You will basically feel anything but freedom. You might be shy and introverted.

On a physical level, you might have occasional throat sores, disorders regarding your thyroid gland, ears, mouth. Nowadays there are many human cases of hypothyroid. That means the thyroid gland is not producing/releasing enough thyroid hormones into the bloodstream, which are responsible for a healthy metabolism. What does it mean? Maybe society is even more bounding than ever? Less tolerant of diversity?

What can cause a chakra to close?

Like every block or resistance formed, the reason is trauma. Small or big, but is perceived as a trauma, and because we did not release it at that moment it stayed as a block. Maybe you were not allowed to expressed yourself when you were a child, or you might have been ridiculed, and just like that, you decided your voice is better left unheard.

How will your pet manifest a blocked throat chakra?

On a psycological level

Animals also have this chakra and although in a different way, it is also associated with self-expression and being heard. If your pet has a closed chakra, he might manifest it with his voice, he may never bark or meow, or may do it in an excessive and uncontrolled manner. He can be very shy and introverted.

On a physical level

  • Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism; On my daily Veterinary practice I accounter many dogs with thyroid gland problems- mainly deficiency (hypothyroidism), just like in humans. Cats, on the other hand, present the opposite condition more frequently, hyperthyroidism (especially older cats). This is an excessive production of the thyroid hormone which increases the metabolism in an unhealthy way and exhausts the body. Both conditions regard the same chakra, expressed in a different way.
  • Ear infections and otitis; This might be the most common case we see each day in veterinary practice. Other ear conditions: dog ear hematoma, parasites (mites in cats), fungus infection, bacterial infection, and in worse cases inner ear infections.
  • Other throat organs or tissues disorder regarding the lymph nodes, salivary glands, megaesophagus, vocal apparatus, and more.
  • Nose: Polyps- typical in cats, tumors, infections.
  • Mouth and teeth– a frequent condition in cats where their teeth are being attacked by their own cells. This condition can become so serious where the cats will have so much pain, stop eating altogether, and the only solution left is tooth extraction (all of them).
  • brachycephalic breed

As you can see there are many many disorders regarding this chakra. The need for self-expression is a basic need for all of us, humans and animals. When deprived, the body speaks.

How to heal your pet’s chakra?

Often animals pick up symptoms and disorder because of our state of being. To learn more about that read my article “Why do animals get sick, the real reasons”.

So you might want to look for a behaviorist if you notice your pet is shy and timid. Let him express himself more. Go to a pet Reiki practitioner or acupuncture treatment. You should always first treat the symptoms to relieve suffering and pain, and only then work on the chakra.

If it is you having a blocked chakra you can start finding your own voice, needs and truth, and express it to the world. Speak up when you have something to say, without offending or hurting. Work on being authentic as this is the only way to feel true freedom. Sing or speak out loud. The voice is the center and expression of the chakra, by stimulating it in a positive manner you can open it. Sounds like “Hum” vibrate with the throat chakra.

Otherwise or in addition you can use also use color therapy, wear a lot of blue, surround yourself with blue. Crystal therapy, herbal therapy, and numerology.

Please, let me know your thought, your doubts, if you have any questions, some topics I did not cover, contact me, I will be happy to help!

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