Al momento stai visualizzando The Third Eye Chakra, Humans And Animals

The Third Eye Chakra, Humans And Animals

Animals have chakra too. The third eye chakra in animals is the sixth chakra. Is located above and between the eyebrows and its color is dark blue/violet. It is also associated with light.

This chakra is the center of our intuition, of how we see reality. The mind is the sense organ of the third eye chakra. Through the mind, we form thoughts that create our beliefs and therefore our physical reality.

You can imagine it as a filter, through which you perceive everything. When this filter is wide open then you really see, you see the truth as it is, and there is no judgment, just acceptance. However when the filter is “on” you choose what to see, you make judgments, in this case, you don’t see the whole picture. This is why it is said that intuition knows everything and will guide you through the right path because it doesn’t use any filters.

That’s where you practice your free will. You can choose what reality to “see” and take as your own. You get to choose your thought, although absolutely not easy, but with some practice possible.

A healthy and open third eye chakra

When it’s healthy and open you are open to new ideas, to learning, and to listen to others. You are a seeker of the truth and the truth appears to you with greater ease. You rely more on your intuition, you do not judge and you can easily relate to other’s feelings and thought because you really see them as they are.

What happens when the chakra is closed?

In that case, you are probably a very closed-minded person which hardly accepts new ideas and opinions of others. You are quite stubborn and convinced reality is how you see it and all others are wrong.

How will it manifest in the body?

The third eye chakra is associated with the eyes, the medulla plexus, the pituitary gland, and the pineal gland. A blocked flow in this chakra can manifest as eye problems, poor eyesight, frequent headaches, confusion or anxiety, and poor memory.

What symptoms can your pet have with a closed third eye chakra?

Like us, their symptoms will be associated with their head;
Eye issues like chronic conjunctivitis, blindness, corneal abrasion/ulcer, dry eye syndrome, lens diseases like cataract or luxation, uveitis, neurological syndromes, disorientation, confusion, seizures, and tumors.

How to heal the third eye chakra

  • Meditation– meditate 20 minutes a day. That enables the mind to clear itself, get rid of excessive thinking, and is, therefore, more able to perceive the real world of calm and peace.
  • Practice being in the moment. Like meditation, being present forces you to let go of thought and actually live and feel life right now. Which is basically what reality is, the now. Everything else doesn’t exist as all forms of thought are either in the past or future, which are both not relevant for the moment.

How to heal your pet’s chakra?

Animals manifest symptoms and get sick also primarily because of emotional causes. These emotional “traumas” happens either directly to them or to you. And they are just picking on your energy and manifest themselves the symptoms.

If your pet presents one of the symptoms mentioned, ask yourself some questions about yourself and about your pet. Are you closed-minded and have you become so used to your reality that you are not seeing the whole picture?

Routines for long periods of time can also block this chakra because it blocks new learning. Also, your pet can get bored if he does every single day the exact the same thing. Although certainty is a basic need both for us and for animals, uncertainty also is. The need to be surprised, explore new perspectives, new environment. The mind needs to be stimulated all the time. So animals don’t read or study, but they do learn new stuff every day.
Get your pet new toys from time to time, do things you do not do normally, go for a different walk. Surprise him, and surprise yourself.

Let me know your thought, your doubts, if you have any question, some topics I did not cover, please let me know  🙂

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