Al momento stai visualizzando The Crown Chakra, Humans And Animals

The Crown Chakra, Humans And Animals

The crown chakra, in both humans and animals, is the seventh chakra, and it is located just above the head. It is also known as Sahasrara. Its color is violet-white, but also gold. There is no element associated with the crown chakra. The related organs are the upper skull, the cerebral cortex, and the pineal gland.

This is the more spiritual chakra. It is like a spiritual transmitter connected to the universe and higher self. All the information we need in order to live our best life comes to us through this chakra. So you can understand the importance of it. If it’s closed, no matter how well and open are the other chakras, the key to real happiness is missing.

It’s all about surrender and openness to the divine. What does that mean? In the solar plexus chakra, we saw the importance of personal will, control and purpose. Now the crown chakra invites you to balance this aspect with just surrendering. There is so much one can plan and act upon, at some point faith is necessary. You need to hand your plan to the universe and he will take care of the rest. That doesn’t mean one should ask for something and then do nothing about it and it will come. Action is required but letting go is also required.

Spirituality and the divine

Whether you are spiritual or not, religious or not, something in you believes in something bigger. That can be anything from the universe to god to energy, love, it doesn’t matter. You can notice it especially in times of great need. When you find yourself in a situation where you do not see a way out, an emergency, great sorrow, you try to reach out to something, you call for help, and maybe even say “please help me”. Who are you talking to?

I don’t necessarily believe we need to have all the answers. It is a subject of infinite questions and answers, and if someone is interested he can dive into this topic practically forever. Or, you can choose an easy way. To trust. Just pick something to believe in, it should have only good connotations to you. And believe in it without doubts. It’s so much easier to just let go than to always be in control of everything. It is somehow contradictory because trust comes when you have seen it works.

For example, the law of attraction says you have first to believe something is yours and then you will receive it. For us humans it’s difficult, we don’t trust, if we do not see something then it means it’s not there. And we don’t want to get our hopes up and be disappointed. But this is just it. Our one big and most difficult lesson in life.

Your higher self knows where your happiness is

Imagine there is a higher self, that knows what is best for you and wants what is best for you. You can imagine it as yourself but perfect like you would want to be yourself. The best version of yourself. Imagine him sitting over there, up, all spiritual and glowing. You are here down on earth and you want things. And sometimes you pray and you ask and things don’t come to you, you get upset.

That higher self of yours tells you not to worry, if you would just trust him he will lead you to your perfect happiness. There is a constant war in your mind between this higher self’s voice and your ego’s voice, which is scared and needs to control everything. This ego was created because we have free will, and we can create our own lives. It should have been a servant (the ego) but because it doesn’t see the big picture, it decided to try to take control.

The thing is, in my opinion, to let the higher voice be heard and regain control.

You can explore this by meditating and by consciously deciding to let go of your control, whenever you can remeber it during the day.

Do animals have an ego?

That depends on what you consider an ego to be. Animals do not make analytical choices. They don’t have plans or agendas. They do have behavior patterns and characters. Their free will is somehow different from ours. Animals will react differently to different situations. The reaction is based on external stimuli, experiences that have affected them and their character. Also, their reaction is immediate, because they live in the present, never in the past or the future.

They will always react and behave according to what they have learned is best for them. For example, why are some dogs so friendly and other attack or scared? Something happened, an event or trauma that taught them to defend themselves. They then take this trait with them unless another behavior pattern is learned. In that way, we are the same. The difference is their behavior will only change if an external stimulus or learning is applied.

We, however, have the choice to change our behavior and thought. That means we are creators. They are not. They are pure light, they live and react. We decide and create. This is why we sometimes feel jealous of their freedom. Our state is more messed up but our power is huge.

Can animals have a blocked crown chakra?

Of course. The crown chakra is about spirituality. Although animals don’t practice spirituality they are naturally spiritual. That means they are connected to spirit in a much more direct way than we are. They are free of the collective human ego’s voice.

This chakra can be blocked, I believe, mostly in animals who live in close connection to human beings and therefore to the human ego’s voice. Animals are very emotional and sensitive to our emotions. Whenever a relationship between the pet and his owner has too much dependence, maybe the pet is expected to behave in a certain way, he is not expressing his true being, his chakra might get blocked. He might be too caught in the human consciousness that his light is interrupted.

How to heal this chakra?

For us humans, the best way would be to practice faith and letting go. How can you do that? By meditation, reading, praying, or by choice. You can choose that you do believe. Whenever a doubt come in just decide to let go. Doubts will not bring any benefits. You might argue, “but will faith bring me benefits?” who knows. I only know the feeling of faith is nicer and more joyful. So this could be the bigger benefit, to feel nice. And I chose to feel nice.

For your pet, if there are too many rules, let go of some. Try to make things more natural at home, more freedom. Of course, you should educate him so he won’t be aggressive or mess up your home. But let him express himself more, make him play and reconnect with his light.

If you have any questions or doubts about your pet’s health or health in general, don’t hesitate to contact me, I am happy to help!

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