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animal chakra

Animals have Chakras too

What are chakras?

Chakras are a complex network of spinning energy vortices that run throughout the entire body starting from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.  Universal energy flows in and out of the chakras, along with the meridian system, into the aura, and then finally into the physical body. We, humans, have 7 major chakras while animals have 8 major ones. The extra chakra animals have is the brachial chakra which is related to the animal-human interaction

Our 7 chakras are divided into chakras of matter (the first three) and chakras of spirit (the last three) connected in the middle by the 4th chakra- the heart chakra, which is both of matter and of spirit.

Now imagine these chakras or wheels as an energy that is spinning in a perfect and harmonious way when everything is ok. This is how it should be, idyllically. Of course, in life, nothing is ideal all of the time. We are spiritual being having a physical experience and normally these experiences bring us some challenges along the way. But that’s OK, it’s part of life. This is what makes life interesting, and it gives us the possibility to learn and grow. And yes sure, to arrive at our ideal and perfect state more often and more easily, even to remain there permanently.

Our experiences in life generate emotions and feelings. It is how we chose to perceive them that will determine their nature- positive or negative, as no experience is neither positive nor negative in itself.

This is easily demonstrated by the different reactions people have to similar events. Of course, there are events which we all (or most of us) accept as good or bad; like disasters, death, births, joy, etc. but also here we have the choice to associate to it whatever meaning we chose to. This “meaning” will have an impact on the flow of this energy called the Prana, Chi, or Ki.  And in turn, how this flow is affected will affect the health of the different parts of our body or organs associated with this particular chakra.

The symptoms or diseases we are experiencing help us, with their locations, to understand the emotional issue that needs healing.

The first chakra- The root chakra: located at the base of the spine. It is associated with grounding, connection to the physical body, to the environment, and earth. It is the instinct and survival center. It is balanced when one feels safe and secure. It is related to the skeletal structure, teeth, large intestine, kidneys, blood.

The second chakra- The sacral chakra: located at the pelvic area. The center of our creativity, pleasure, enjoyment, sensuality, and passion. Associated with the womb, genitals, kidneys, bladder.

The third chakra- The solar plexus chakra: found between the navel and the solar plexus. This is the center of our identity, our self-esteem, and self-confidence, willpower, self-discipline, and responsibility. The center of our personal power and how we decide who we are. When one is proactive versus reactive or inactive, the energy flows freely and the chakra is balanced.  The organs associated are the adrenal glands, the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, digestive system.

The fourth chakra- The heart chakra: located at the center of the chest at the heart level. This is the center that connects between the spirit and matter chakras, it is the center that heals, that generate love, compassion, warmth, and unity with all beings and creatures, with all that is. The center of our deepest connections to others. Associated with the hearth circulatory system, lungs, thymus, arms, hands, skin.

The fifth chakra- The throat chakra: located in the neck and shoulder area. our center for communication, self-expression, speaking our truth, accepting our uniqueness. Organs related: thyroid and parathyroid glands, ears, mouth throat, neck, and shoulder.

Sixth chakra- The third eye chakra: location- in the brain, at the brow. This is our center for intuition, clear thinking, seeing the universal truth beyond mind and words. Guidance from within. Organs: pituitary gland, eyes, the base of skull, brow.

Seventh chakra- The crown chakra; our connection to the universe. The meeting point between our physical being and our extension to the infinite, the spiritual. This is the center of our understanding and awareness, where we are in deep peace with life, where we feel the joy that is not conditioned by anything external. Associated with the pineal gland, central nervous system, the cerebral cortex.

All the chakras are important and they are all connected. That means that one affects the other. Of course, some will be more blocked and some will be more balanced. Nevertheless, they are not separated. True healing is complex and should treat all chakras.

Animals have those exact same chakras and what is true for us is true for them. They too are affected by events and stimuli, by the environment and their relationship. It affects their energy flow and thus their health.

The eighth chakra, exclusive to animals, The brachial chakra:  located on either side of the body, in the area of the shoulders.  It is the main energy center in all animals and links directly to all other chakras. It relates to animal-human interaction. When it is out of balance the animal will most likely show reluctance to be touched and refusal to connect. Associated to chest, neck, forelimbs, head.

So animals have chakras too, but even more than that, because they are much more connected to their instinct and natural senses, they have much brighter and bigger chakra centers than we do.

This is even more true for wild animals as they are even closer and more connected to their nature. From that we can also understand that domestication, castration, etc has a great impact on our pet’s chakras. It is then our responsibility to give them as much freedom as we possibly can (considering the circumstances) and provide healing when needed. Their symptoms and their diseases can help you understand your pet better, and yourself.

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