Al momento stai visualizzando The Root Chakra, Human and Animal

The Root Chakra, Human and Animal

As we know, animals have chakras too. We have 7 major chakras, animals have 8 major ones. The First chakra, for both humans and animals, is the Root chakra. It is located at the base of the spine and associated with the color red, the lowest and slowest visible vibration to the human eye. Also, chakras are associated with colors because each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. Starting from the lowest – the root to the highest the crown chakra which is associated with the color bright violet.

The root chakra, for its position and for being the first one to develop, empowers the other chakras, so in order to heal any chakra, we first need to heal this one. This chakra is associated with our safety, feeling grounded, feeling like we belong. The chakra’s state today is actually affected by our early childhood events. Any trauma that took place, if you were abandoned, your basic needs were not being met, you didn’t feel safe, all this might have closed or tightened your basic energy center.

How do you know when your root chakra is out of balance?

If it is healthy then you probably are an energetic person by nature, secure of yourself, fearless, with the will to live life. You are physically present in your body, physically active, you feel like you belong and you have the right to be here. Basically, you feel safe. You have the winning attitude, you take responsibility for your own life and strive for success.

If this chakra is closed it might be quite the opposite; you feel wired up, low on energy, afraid in general, worried, you usually don’t have enough money to meet your needs. You might also have the tendency to avoid conflict, you don’t take responsibility for your life and have the victim attitude. Often enough, you do not feel the excitement, and sometimes it can even deteriorate to depression.

On the other hand, a chakra can also be too open, in an unhealthy way. Signs of an over opened root chakra might be: excessive anger, aggressivness, controlling, bullying.

The root chakra is associated with the adrenal gland, spine, lower back, teeth, legs, colon. Any imbalance with this chakra will be manifested first as distress within this part of the body and if you do not treat it, it can later lead to more severe symptoms.

How do you balance back your root chakra?

There are 3 levels of healing we need to confront. The physical, emotional-psychological, and energetic. Sure, it is great to meditate and to do some energy work but by itself, it will not solve the problem. One need to take physical action, and mental work as well. Regarding the root chakra, because it is associated with our physical basic being, the way to heal it is through physical activity. Move, exercise, do some yoga, take care of your body. Feel present right here and right now. On the mental level some affirmation, made daily and repetitively can help, like; “I am safe”, “I belong” “I am excited about life” ” I am strong” “I am the creator of my life “…

And of course on the energetic level meditation is great, breathing exercise, Reiki, crystal therapy and much more.

What about the animals?

Well, it is pretty much the same for them. The position of the root chakra is between the tail and spine. It is associated with survival and grounding. Wild animals will have a stronger root chakra as their survival instinct is much more developed. However, when not balanced, one might experience excessive fear (when the chakra is closed) or aggressiveness (when too opened). The physical symptoms might be related to skeletal issues, chronic pain in the lumbar region, hind limbs, shaky legs, gut problems like constipation or diarrhea.

How can you heal an animal’s root chakra?

The same way. As I mentioned in a previous article, animals often pick up our emotional issues and manifest themselves the related symptoms. If your pet has any symptoms related to the root chakra you should ask yourself; does he feel safe? Are his basic needs met? Does he get enough food and water? And love? Or is it me dealing with some root chakra-related issues? Do I feel safe? Am I grounded? How do I feel inside my body? Do I exercise enough? Am I eating healthy? Are my basic needs being met? Should I heal myself as well?

The healing, like for us, should involve physical healing and more physical activity if needed. We need them to feel safe and secure. There needs to be trust between you and your pet. If your pet is facing some trust issues, aggressiveness, chronic fear, do something about it. Go to a behaviorist, sometimes the process is long and you might not be able to do it yourself.

Unlike us, we won’t make them do affirmation and mental work, but they do resonate at a higher level with energies and love. Therefore, Reiki can work wonders for them, also crystal therapy, acupuncture. And of course, also the relationship with the caregiver is essential for their well being.

Let me know your thought, your doubts, if you have any question, some topics I did not cover, please let me know 

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