Al momento stai visualizzando The Sacral Chakra- Human And Animal
cat fun sacral

The Sacral Chakra- Human And Animal

The sacral chakra in humans, and animals, is located just above the root chakra, over your genital organs. It is associated with fun, sexuality, joy, emotions, enjoying life, socializing, going out, creativity, and enthusiasm. Its color is orange and the element is water.

The Sacral Chakra is associated with fun

We all need fun. And not just once in a while or one day in the future when everything will be ready and set so we can finally allow ourselves to have fun. No. Today! And every single day. It doesn’t have to be something big, we don’t need an extreme adventure every single day. Something fun for you is a very individual and personal thing. You know what is fun for you. It might be having a coffee out with a friend, going for a long walk, going to the beach, cooking something, watching a movie, playing with your pet, whatever works for you, and whatever is doable.  We need to make sure to have at least one fun activity every single day. Besides that being fun, it also forms a positive habit and it sends a message to your subconscious mind that fun IS part of your day so it’s part of you.  We need it to live and to heal as well. Fun puts you in a magnetic field of love and positivity. This is the healing force.

How Do You Know Your It Is Out Of Balance?

You know your sacral gets out of balance when some part of your life gets out of balance. Life becomes too serious and life should definitely not be so serious. Just look at birds when they are bathing themselves in a pond and playing, having fun. They are a great example. Yes, we are human and it’s not the same. But it actually is very similar. Life becomes serious when you make it serious. We always have a choice in how we want our lives to be like. Of course, some seriousness is required don’t get me wrong, we just need to balance. We should also remember that every serious thing we do has a final scope of enjoyment and fun when you think about it.

Animals also need to have fun!

It’s obvious and you can see it. They play, they ask you to play with them, sometimes you really don’t feel like it but you do it because you know it’s good for them. First of all, it’s healthy for their physical being because it always involves some physical activity. Then of course it puts them in a good mood. They would not ask for it if it was not essential and if you have or ever had a pet you KNOW how much they need it. Even in nature, every creature finds the time to play and socialize. It’s part of their (and our) basic needs.

How Is A Sacral Chakra Imbalance Manifasted?

The sacral chakra is related to the genitals, ovaries, testicles, the womb and the bladder. Whenever you account a problem in that area you might consider whether you are neglecting some areas in your life like your creativity, sexuality, your ability to enjoy life, do you trust that life is on your side, do you have fun?

If it concerns your pet- are you neglecting him? Does he have the freedom to express himself, his needs, does he get enough of your attention, do you play together? Does he have the possibility to socialize with other animals from his species or at least other species? like it’s important for us it’s important for them.

How Can You Get Your Sacral Chakra Back Into Balance?

Very simple. Add enjoyment into your life, or your Pet’s Life. If you find it hard to do it’s because you got out of the habit. So it’s like a muscle you need to rebuild. In the beginning, you force yourself, you plan some activity that you find enjoyable and you do it. No excuses. The next day the same. Every day. (The activity can be each time something else of course). And then you’ll see, it will be part of you. This is how we change everything in our lives and about ourselves. We decide we force ourselves, we form a habit, the habit becomes us. Change is possible. We become whatever we decide to become. The better choice would be to become a healthy strong joyful creature like we are all meant to be.

Listen to your body and what it tell you. Listen to your pet and his needs.

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