Al momento stai visualizzando The Heart Chakra, Humans And Animals

The Heart Chakra, Humans And Animals

The heart chakra, in both humans and animals, is the 4th chakra, it is located in the center of the chest, its color is green (and has a pink component as well), and the element is air.

The heart chakra is found exactly in the middles and connects the lower chakras to the higher ones. The physical ones to the spiritual ones.
Its principal organ, the heart, is the first organ to develop and it emanates electricity and magnetism thousands of times more than the brain does.

The heart chakra is related to the cardiac nerve plexus, respiratory and cardiac systems, thymus gland.

The heart chakra heals

From all the chakras, the heart chakra is where all the healing takes place. When the heart is open life energy flows freely from the universe in the body and back into the universe in a perfect way. This flow is love, which is the highest frequency there is, it is the healing frequency. This flow of energy goes right to the palm of our hands, that’s why in healing we use our hands, they are directly connected to the heart’s energy. For this reason, healers need first to heal themself and their hearts in order to let the energy of the universe flow freely through them and onto the patient’s body.

When the heart chakra is balanced

When it is balanced and wide-open it will manifest in your relationships. You have deep relationships, you are close to the people you love, you are able to give love easily but also receive love.
Love is flowing in your life. Love to the universe (or god, or however you call it), to others, and to yourself. It’s all connected. When you feel the love you also feel generous, you are more willing to give because you feel connected to everything. You feel (not necessarily consciously) that there is no separation, only oneness.

What happens when this chakra is closed?

Mainly relationship problems, sadness, or even depression. You feel isolated and closed, your relationships are shallow or problematic. It can even manifest in excess anger toward the world, god/universe, or yourself. On a physical level, your hand might be cold (connected with the heart’s energy), heart, or lung problems. In humans you may also notice that the posture is off, the shoulders are curved to the front, like they are closed in some way.

How can you heal this chakra?

The easiest and fastest way, like with all other chakras really, is with love. There are of course many ways, you can uncover the root problem, do soul searching, mindset work, affirmations, and much more. They are all destined to do the exact same thing. Put you in a higher frequency, a better state, where you either feel more love towards yourself, others,s or god. Which is basically all the same. So you can choose to skip all these steps and get right to the chase. Love.

How to feel love?

Give love

If you open your mind and heart then the truth will resonate with you when you hear it. Everything is one, connected, nothing is separated. Ok, if you now believe this is true then the action of giving is equal to receiving. Whatever you give to yourself you must also receive, right? Therefore, when you GIVE love, you receive love. That’s all there is to it. Small daily acts of love without any reason, toward your family, friends, animals, strangers, yourself. 


As long as there is resentment there is resistance in the flow, in your heart chakra’s perfect energy. You want to get rid of these blocks that don’t serve you in any way. It’s not easy sometimes to forgive someone who has hurt you, but when you understand that everyone is doing whatever he can according to his own level of consciousness, you understand that a person doesn’t know better, at that moment. It doesn’t make it right it’s just that his path has taken him only that far at this moment. The best example is Jesus when he said “forgive them, father, they know not what they do”.


Meditate for 20 minutes, every day. Concentrating on one feeling of love


Gratitude is the highest expression of love. If you can write every day 3 to 5 things you are grateful for, your heart’s energy will expand. Think of an example, when someone is thankful to you for some little thing you did, it makes you wanna do more for that person. When you thank the universe it will want to give you more.

Your pet’s heart chakra

As for us, blocks of resistance can be formed in the heart chakra of animals. How? It’s very easy with them, especially dogs which rely on their relationship with you for their happiness. When an animal is abandoned his heart is broken, exactly like it happens with us, humans. They feel sadness and depression.

In practice, I see many more dogs with heart problems than cats. Depends on the severity, some will take medication for the rest of their lives, and normally, after a while, the medications don’t even seem to help anymore. Very few, if not no one, will try to affront the real cause and treat that.

Like with all other illnesses in animals, the cause might be us, our emotional states, and blocks. They are very emphatic and feel what we feel. They might take on our issues and create blocks in their own heart chakras. To heal them you have to heal yourself as well.

So while you work on your heart chakra with tuning to the love frequency, forgiveness, meditation, and more, how can you help your pet? You can take your pet to a reiki practitioner, or energy healer to heal his chakra. Or, you can do it yourself.

Find some guided meditations for heart chakra healing, there are so many out there. While meditating concentrate on your heart, put your hands on your chest, feel the energy, and hold it in your palms. Now send this energy directly to your pet’s heart chakra. You can do it with him by your side, touching his chest area, or even with the distance. Distance and space are irrelevant for sending energy.

Let me know your thought, your doubts, if you have any questions, some topics I did not cover, please let me know 🙂

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