Al momento stai visualizzando Vegan diet – Why should I choose it?

Vegan diet – Why should I choose it?

Many people go on a vegan diet nowadays, for many different reasons. Some of the reasons might have to do with the animals themselves, others with health, and others also with the environment.

Some say humans are omnivores and some say we are herbivores. What is the truth? Yes we do have longer intestines than carnivores, and in that way we resemble herbivores. But it is also true that humans have been eating meat and animal products since more than 2.5 million years according to some findings.

Our distant human ancestors—collectively known as “hominins” were actually consuming a vegeterian diet including fruits, nuts, seeds and flowers. That started to change when the earth got warmer, the climate changed, everything got drier. There were no vegies available anymore. They had to survive and started to feed on flesh. Even thought the intestine and teeth were not designed to consume this food, they adapted themselves to what was available. Every creature will do whatever it takes to survive. As man continued to consume meat, first raw and with time cooked, evolution kept modifying our system, our digestive system. Like every animal, we have a correct and natural diet to match our physiology and anatomy, but if survival is at stake, we will adapt to any other diet available.

What about vitamin b12?

We all know and heard the claim: “If vitamin b12 is essential for us, and the only way to get it is through animal products, then surly a plant-based diet is not the original and natural diet for humans”. Well, it’s true and not true. Yes we do need it but plant based diet IS our original and natural diet.

Vitamin b12 is essential for our nervous system, blood cells formation and DNA. We need it, animals need it.

Before we started consuming meat, we were just like every other herbivore. Vitamin b12 was produced in our gut by bacteria and there it got absorbed, in the large intestine. However, when we started consuming meat, vitamin b12 was available in abundance, and with evolution man was starting to absorb it in the small intestine, just like carnivores do. In that sense we became more like them. But still, with a herbivore-like digestive structure. So yes, modification has occurred, but that doesn’t mean veganism is “crazy” or “completely unnatural”. Further from the truth. What is unnatural is to remain with an eating pattern that is suitable for a dry and scarce planet without other resources just because that’s how “they” did it. Or that’s how it used to be.

Evolution didn’t stop!

We are always evolving and growing. Or at least that’s how it should be. You can see it everywhere. Today you have in every supermarket vegan products. There is much more awareness to veganism than there was even 10 years ago. Awareness to meat consumption related diseases.

Do you remeber when smoking was allowed everywhere? Now it is unthinkable that someone will smoke in a closed placed. You can hardly ever see it anymore. Or better, you will get a fine if you do. Why is that? Evolution. Consciousness. Sure, not every vegan is conscious as why he is being vegan.  It has also become a fashion among some groups of people. And on the other hand, some meat eaters are also not conscious of why they eat meat. Just because there were brought like that. It is now part of their diet. They like it.

I don’t believe there is anything wrong in eating meat. I don’t think it’s wrong our ancestors turned to flesh in order to survive. Neither do I think it’s wrong for a cat to eat tomatoes from the trash when he is starving. Survival is survival. But one thing you can not say is that this universe is scarce. It has never been so abundant. With everything you can ever want. All the food you can desire is just at reach. I’m referring to the modern world of course. Poor countries is a completely other issue. I am talking about you who can read this now from your computer or smartphone.

So, is it wrong to consume meat or animal product in our modern world? I don’t believe there is such a thing as right or wrong as a general. It’s all about choice. Take a look at the reality as it is and choose for yourself. So why should I choose a Vegan diet?

Make a conscious choice

Many of us make endless unconscious choices every day. Not because we are stupid but because we are creatures of habits and we were thought a certain way. Regarding food we were raised to eat certain foods, for some of them we acquired the taste. No one is born to like stinky cheese. You were said enough times it’s tasty to eventually like it yourself.

Why do people eat meat?

People eat meat today because that’s how they were raised and thought to do.

Some years ago, people were eating meat in smaller quantities, mainly form smaller farms, or even growing their own animals. Milking and making homemade cheese. They did it not because they needed it but because this is how they were thought. They just accepted it as their diet.

Nowadays people still keep this old diet. But now everything is bigger. More. Mass production. Huge farms. More meat, more processed food, more junk food. Why? Someone is winning from this situation. They mass produce low quality products and make profit. On your expense. And they make you believe that this is what you need, they brainwash you, you unconsciously accept it, they win.

There is nothing wrong with any diet. Even with an unhealthy one. If you choose to hurt yourself it is your decision. It is your life and your body. It’s wrong though when you hurt others. Specially creatures with no mean to defend themselves. If you go hunting, being because you are hungry and need it or just really love to eat meat is one thing. You don’t hold an animal it’s entire life in captivity, take its freedom and all its basics needs. I would not do and I don’t understand how anyone could see these amazing creatures and kill them for… what? When you have all the vegies, fruits and everything so colorful and healthy. I would not but I don’t judge you if you do.

Many people have actually no idea how things really are. We all know something really wrong is going on out there but many of us choose to close the eyes, for convenience.

We all deserve freedom

The reality is these animals are being denied the one thing we all deserve. Every single creature on earth. Freedom.

Many people will say: “but they are given food, they are treated well, there are not suffering”. Really? You think these are the criteria for not suffering? Also slaves were given food. Surley they had a ball.

There is nothing natural about captivity. For any reason in the world. When it is done to people we scream and band it. What about them?

Most people close their eyes to reality. You were told animals are made for us. The meat is essential for normal function of body. Well it is not. People live very well without it. I will not go into boring physiological explanation about why. Although if someone is interested, I will be more than happy to talk about everything. Don’t just follow and repeat what you were told. “You need the protein”. Say it if you truly understand it. Tell me, what is protein? Why do you need it? In what food can you find it? How much of it do you need?

“You need milk for normal growth”-. Why exactly? Explain it. Make your own research. Don’t just believe what you are told.

You have a dog at home, love him like a child. You might even criticize fur production (if you have any idea about the monstery that is going on there), but somehow you have no problem to put money in an industry based on slavery and terror. Why? Just because you didn’t take the time to see, really see, and make a conscious choice.

You might think it won’t matter; the world is already like that.

Let me give you an example. Where I live there is this group of people stilling bikes all over town. They break the locks, sell it for really cheap to students or others. Now everyone knows where those bikes are coming from. Stolen. Why do people continue to buy from them? Because it’s cheap and easy. They will probably have their bike stolen again, but that’s ok for them, they’ll just get another one.

If you put money in this industry you are feeding it. If you stop there will be less demand. It will die. You have the power to stop the cycle. Now it is your decision. Where do you put your money? What do you support? What do you want to see grow?

You might love animals, or not. love doesn’t necessarily have be the main point. Empathy does. Try to look at every creature as equal to you, because they are. We all are a living entities and we all want basically the very same thing. To be well and to feel well.

For any Question or comment don’t hesitate to contact us we will be happy to help 🙂

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If you wish to know more about vegan nutrition and plant based diet check this Vegan cookbook:

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